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In The Beginning...

I came home from first grade one day, saying that I wanted to help starving children around the world and in Berks County. I had heard about those hungry kids through school that one day, and I knew that I HAD to help! My family helped me think of the idea of doing a lemonade stand, and we quickly went forward with our plan.

If only if it was that easy!

We faced several problems from the start. I needed a lemonade stand, a time and place where people would be thirsty and in need of refreshing lemonade, and a way to spread the news. We eventually did solve the problems, but there is a story behind each!

The first problem: Finding a stand. My grandparents were driving back to their home one day, and they saw it. It was beautiful, but not in the traditional case. The paint was peeling, it was not sturdy, but we found the stand! It was sitting on the curb in front of a house, and my grandparents went to the front door to see what was up. A man came to the door, and after my grandparents asked about the stand, he told them. It was his granddaughters' stand, and they had grown out of it. That beautiful stand was on its way to the trash.

My grandparents immediately asked for the stand, and because of the kindness in that man's heart, he gave it to them for free. They took the stand home, and we polished it up to make it perfect for me! One problem solved!

We decided to hold that first lemonade stand outside of my house during a neighbor-hood wide garage sale. After that first time, we decided to hold the stand at my grandparents' house once or twice a year. My school was kind enough to let me pass out fliers for my stand, and I also passed them out to my neighborhood and my grandparents' neighborhood. Two more problems solved!

Now, onto my next mission- Actually holding my stand!

(check the next blog->)


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